Loved Ones
Life is limited. In a second one can be gone from existence. 'till today, I still believe my cousin is still out there, out there watching. Please share some experiances or stories here. Anything from friends, life lessons, to memories fun and bad.
I believe my grandfather, bless his soul, is still with me. One night I sent a balloon with a note to him. I believe he read it. I still talk to him on summer nights...
1:05 PM
I do appreciate you sharing, back in September, one of my closest cousin just left without saying bye. Its been about half a year now, but still those pictures of his last Chirstmas, his last birthday, his last trip with me, his last... I know I shouldn't think too much about this, but it keeps bringing me down. Hopefully I can forget and move on next year.
Thats why I've been so quite. I began to think more than to speak. I began to relize whats around me and what life can take and give. Some understood me at school some teachers didn't but its not their fault. I wish I could've talk to somebody earlier to get rid of my thoughts.
7:08 PM
I remember that time...I thought about you a lot those few weeks. I can't say I understand how you feel, because I can't. I can't even begin. The closest that feeling may have ever happened to me was when my grandmother died just after I turned 14. My life changed in ways I still don't understand. Same with when my grandfather died...but I don't remember that as well. But let me tell you, I remember hearing about the shooting and thinking nothing of it...until I heard who it was and why you were gone from school. Now I would do anything in my power to understand how you felt. There are so many people in my life that I feel that I can't help because I simply can't understand what they've been through...and I don't want them to feel alone.
9:47 PM
I don't know how much I can help, but my grandmother recently passed away, and we're in the process of cleaning out her house. It's such an indescribable feeling I get when I think of her, or visit her house. There is so much more than memories attached to everything. I've been constantly feeling like words simply won't do any thought justice, and it has resulted in a quiet thoughtfullness that I can't describe. I had no idea that you experienced this Dan, and I don't expect to ever truly understand how you felt. But through all that I have been through I've decided that it feels good to know that I had an amazing grandma, even though she is no longer with us. I think about her every day, and hope that I can touch as many lives as she did. I wish that I would have spent more time with her in all the years I was with her, but I realize that I can't change that now. All I can do is keep her spirit living by attempting to spread the same generosity and wonderful curiosity that she shared with the world.
I don't know how much of this actually made sense to anyone, but I hope whoever reads this found it worth reading.
3:26 PM
Oh, and I forgot about what I was originally commenting about...
I constantly feel like she is still with me, and the world in general. I dreamed about her pretty much every single night for about a month straight, maybe longer, and there are always mysterious footsteps and cuboards opening and closing. My aunt, dad and I all believe that it's her. Though, it's a possibility that we've come to adopt that as our beliefs for the simple reason that thinking that's her is more comforting than thinking she's gone...
I don't know. I'm going to stop talking right now.
3:32 PM
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