“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955 ~|Quote of the Week|~

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Extra After School Activities Worth It?

Some of us go to events after school. May it be sports, music, services, or just plain hanging out "for school", is it worth it to come home or where ever is would be, to have minimal time to finish your school work? Shouldn't teachers compromise because we work overtime? Of coarse answers such as responsiblity comes up, but what if its not enough?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Whats Up With the Grading System?

It seems that teachers all over the school are experimenting with a "New Grading" system. It questions me, our grading system has been pounded into the stone tablet of Education and it seems so solid and reflective to us as a responsible student, what else can change? I'm sure thousands of teachers around the United States are asking the same question. Around AHS teachers are participating in on a experiment, an experiment that will possibly reflect on the student's real education not responsiblity. What do you think??