“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955 ~|Quote of the Week|~

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Whats Up With the Grading System?

It seems that teachers all over the school are experimenting with a "New Grading" system. It questions me, our grading system has been pounded into the stone tablet of Education and it seems so solid and reflective to us as a responsible student, what else can change? I'm sure thousands of teachers around the United States are asking the same question. Around AHS teachers are participating in on a experiment, an experiment that will possibly reflect on the student's real education not responsiblity. What do you think??


Blogger Michelle S said...

I'm not really sure because it's so new, but I think because of the changing economy and world balance, our education must change as well. We have to find a way to conform to the changing system...maybe I'm not understanding your question.

1:14 PM

Blogger Dan said...

You got it. I keep hearing that teachers are using a different teaching method. (such as Crosby and Wallace) I jus hope it doesn't change too much.

6:37 PM

Blogger Michelle S said...

I agree. There has to be some kind of platform, some balance in the new system. So far it seems like the new system is working ok.

8:47 PM

Blogger sarahc said...

Im in Crosby's class and as far as i can tell, the only thing different is that we're participating in a study about whether single gender classes are better or worse, or should only be used in certain subjects.
I don't see what's so bad about the new grading system. they pretty much just gave you 2 percentage leverage between each letter grade. i like the fact that everything is based off of 100 because it is quite a bit easier to tally up points and get your grade on your own than it was.
I think the only reason students are not liking the new system is because it's new, and their grades aren't being curved.

6:18 PM

Blogger Dan said...

I totally agree with you Sarah. A 100 percentile based grade is very easy to understand and I quite like it myself. But I'm sure that students have various ways of learning. Should teachers shape their grading scale to suit the student's need? Is there a limit to change the way of grading? Do students have the power to change their grade not from testing but from their work ethic and how much they actually learned?

7:53 PM


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