“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955 ~|Quote of the Week|~

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Whats your philosophy?

What do you think about life? What should people do? Is there a purpose for everyone?


Blogger sarahc said...

I think that life is a test. We lived before birth as intelligences, learning everything we could. when we couldn't learn anymore, we came here to be tested with temtation. we were given the right to choose. after death, we wait for the judgement day, when we will be judged according to our knowledge and actions.
People should try to do the best they can in life. they should try not to mess it up too badly.
I believe there is a purpose for everyone. we came to earth to test what we had learned in the Pre-Mortal Existence, and we've come to do good in the world. anyone can do good, it doesn't matter who you are.

6:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a big believer of fate, so I think our only purpose is to enjoy life. I feel it's out of our power, so we should just sit back, and enjoy every swerve of the ride.

12:09 AM

Blogger Dan said...

Fate is a good way to get on going with life. Let me ask you, can fate be controlled by your own actions? Maybe they can.

12:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think fate can be changed. The whole idea of fate in my mind is that it's all pre-determined. That's what I like about it. I can't handle the stress of every litte decision I make changing my entire life. I like to think that I get where I'm supposed to be by the simple nature of life, and that therefore nothing can ever go wrong.

I guess I just don't trust myself with something as significant as my life...

That's deep Dan...

12:40 AM


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