“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955 ~|Quote of the Week|~

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A.P vs I.B.

A.P. and I.B. are well known to the United States. I know that I.B. is internationally recongnized and A.P. is a general use for U.S. colleges. But is it worth to go that extra mile for I.B.? What do you think seperates I.B. students and A.P. students?


Blogger sarahc said...

what is I.B.?

6:14 PM

Blogger Dan said...

I.B. is a International Bacculaurete. THis is like A.P. but is internationally recognized and works slightly differently from A.P. I.B. intergrates other subjects into others. I.B. refers to other subjects usually. Not much different, but is said to be better. A.P. is recognized only in the US.

9:56 PM


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